A Snake!

Imagine you bike commute to work and meet such a lovely looking creature along the road – it had been hit by a vehicle but still opened the mouth for us when taking the picture. After that every stick along the road looked like a snake! Can anyone tell us what kind it is?

  • Vange Medeiros

    Esta cobra parece com uma Jibóia.
    Vange Medeiros

    November 22, 2011at03:31
  • I believe that is a Boa Snake. It isn´t poisonous. Too bad it was unlucky.

    November 29, 2011at11:40
  • Bruno Flagnini

    It is a Jiboia (Brazilian name) a boa constrictor not toxic, eats rats and some smal animals.

    September 18, 2013at03:40