Back in Town Again

No luck leaving with the bus today – we spent five hours waiting for it to leave. Eventually we had enough so got off, hauled all our kit off the roof and went back to where we stayed before. The cattle beat us to it though.

Unexpected Stop

Our driver took us on a detour to a couple of families with children living in Gers to break up the journey to Erdenet. Football turned into fishing games when the ball landed in the stream – fun was had by all despite not speaking the same language!

Hill View

Climbing the steps to the temple on the hill overlooking the monastry. Each Buddha has a different expression and hand position.


Moses and Caspar span every prayer barrel around the monastery and Turis and Herbie made a pretty good effort too!

Making Tracks

Up and down and across the many valleys and mountains towards the Amarbayasgalant Monastry –  it’s certainly off the beaten track!